Pregnancy and Parenting
Frequently Asked Questions for Pregnant and Parenting Students
Yes. Absences due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions must be excused and cannot be treated or penalized like unexcused absences. Depending on the length of the absence and area of instruction, it may be academically necessary for the student to take a leave of absence. Professors must provide a leave of absence for pregnant students for as long as it is deemed necessary by their medical doctor. Professors may require a doctor’s note for pregnancy-related absences only if a doctor’s note is required to excuse other medically-related absences.
A student may not be penalized for absences known to be due to pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical conditions. A professor cannot reduce a pregnant student’s grade because of attendance or participation points that the student missed during excused absences due to pregnancy-related conditions. The professor must give the student a reasonable opportunity to earn back the credit missed due to pregnancy.
No. Under Title IX, the University cannot exclude someone from class based on their pregnancy. The University can only require a pregnant student to provide a doctor’s certification of fitness to continue in an education program or activity if the same requirement is imposed on all other students with medical conditions requiring a doctor’s care.
Yes. Pregnant students cannot be excluded from University-related off-campus programs, such as internships, off-campus activities, University-sponsored activities, and other extracurricular activities. A professor cannot require a doctor’s note to show fitness to participate unless it is required for all students in the program.
The University must provide the same services to pregnant students that it provides to other students with temporary disabilities.
The University will not tolerate gender-based harassment, including harassment based on pregnancy and related conditions. If a pregnant student experiences harassment based on their pregnancy, they should let the Office of Title IX know immediately. If a faculty or staff member witnesses or learns about harassment of a pregnant student, they should immediately notify the Office of Title IX so that it can take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end pregnancy-related harassment, prevent its recurrence, and eliminate any hostile environment created by the harassment.
Title IX prohibits a school’s retaliation against an individual for filing a complaint or raising concerns about the rights of a pregnant and parenting student.
As long as the student remains in school and in good standing when the student is not medically required to be absent, the student will not lose the scholarship. Pregnant students will keep their status as a student for up to one year. If a student wants to take off more time than their doctor says is medically necessary, the student should contact the Office of Title IX or the University Case Manager to discuss options related to withdrawing.
Yes. An on-campus lactation suite is located on the first floor of the Guillot University Center (GUC), in the mailroom hallway. The lactation suite is available at any time that the GUC is open to the public.
The lactation suite is accessible with a code available from the Office of Title IX or through the Mamava App available in the App Store or Google Play.
Yes. To request reasonable accommodations, contact the Office of Title IX, who will recommend reasonable accommodations and work with the department in implementing them.
If you have any questions, please contact:
The Office of Title IX
GUC 201
(256) 765-4223